7 Practices of a Mindful Leader – Hollyhock, Cortez Island, BC

Hollyhock Leadership Learning Centre Highfield Rd, Comox-Strathcona I, BC, Canada

Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader evolved out of Marc Lesser’s work helping to create Search Inside Yourself, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence program at Google.

Mindful Leadership Training


Nikki Mirghafori, PhD and Marc Lesser Sponsored by Spirit Rock This online certificate training program is open to and designed for leaders and aspiring leaders in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. We will cultivate mindful and compassionate leadership skills and practices to embody our care for ourselves and others, with a mindset of service […]

Step Into Your Life: One Half-Day Meditation Retreat (In person and online)

In our world of busyness, of more/faster/better, this half-day retreat offers time to stop, reflect, and renew. We will explore the practices of effort and effortless as a path to well-being and "stepping into your life." Together we’ll follow a gentle schedule of sitting and walking meditation, a talk, and some discussion. Anyone looking to […]

$0.50 – $60.00

Half Day Retreat

Mill Valley

In our world of busyness, of more/faster/better, this half-day retreat offers time to stop, reflect, and renew. We will explore the practices of effort and effortless as a path to well-being and “stepping into your life.” Together we’ll follow a gentle schedule of sitting and walking meditation, a talk, and some discussion. Anyone looking to […]


Half Day Retreat, In-Person and Online, Sunday, April 7th

In our world of busyness, of more/faster/better, this half-day retreat offers time to stop, reflect, and renew. We will explore the practices of effort and effortless as a path to well-being and “stepping into your life.” Together we’ll follow a gentle schedule of sitting and walking meditation, a talk, and some discussion. Anyone looking to […]


Half Day Retreat, In Person (Mill Valley) and Online, Sunday, October 13th

In our world of busyness, of more/faster/better, this half-day retreat offers time to stop, reflect, and renew. We will explore the practices of effort and effortless as a path to well-being and "stepping into your life."  Together we’ll follow a gentle schedule of sitting and walking meditation, a talk, and some discussion. Anyone looking to begin […]


Step Into Your Life. A Zen-Inspired Retreat. Green Gulch Farm, November 1 – 3.

Green Gulch Farm Muir Beach, CA, United States

In our world of busyness, of more, faster, better, this retreat offers time to stop, reflect, and renew – a time to step fully into the richness of your life. Together we’ll follow a gentle schedule of sitting and walking meditation, interspersed with talks and discussions from the wisdom of Zen teaching as we explore […]

Half Day Retreat In Mill Valley (and Online) December 8th

In our world of busyness, of more/faster/better, this half-day retreat offers time to stop, reflect, and renew. We will explore the practices of effort and effortless as a path to well-being and "stepping into your life."  Together we’ll follow a gentle schedule of sitting and walking meditation, a talk, and some discussion. Anyone looking to begin or […]


Half Day Retreat in Mill Valley (and Online) February 2nd

In our world of busyness, of more/faster/better, this half-day retreat offers time to stop, reflect, and renew. We will explore the practices of effort and effortless as a path to well-being and "stepping into your life."  Together we’ll follow a gentle schedule of sitting and walking meditation, a talk, and some discussion. Anyone looking to begin or […]
