Enjoy Your Life

Enjoy Your Life

"The evanescence of things is the reason why you enjoy your life." Shunryu Suzuki In this issue: ·      Insights Into Practices ·      A Poem, by Diane di Prima ·      What I’m reading ·      Half Day Retreat ·      Weekend Retreat When I turned 60, I felt compelled...

The Practice of Effort and Effortlessness

The Practice of Effort and Effortlessness

Letting Go Of Anything Extra In this issue: ·     Insights Into Practices ·     A Poem, by Naomi Shihab Nye ·     Half Day Retreat ·     Weekend Retreat The Practice of Effort and Effortlessness One of my favorite stories about effort and effortlessness is about a...

The Problem: Ignoring Problems

The Problem: Ignoring Problems

A Solution, Kaizan: The Power of Small and Regular Improvements In this issue: ·      Insights Into Practices ·      Kaizan ·      A Poem ·      Weekend Workshop at Green Gulch Farm, November 1 - 3 “Don’t stop the line.”  For many years this was an agreement, almost...

Stop Giving Away Your Power

Stop Giving Away Your Power

Considering the ways in which we give our power away can actually be strangely empowering (an interesting paradox!) and it can expose some useful insights.

The Power of Shaping Your Days

The Power of Shaping Your Days

Feel the pull to return to some simple rituals that revolve around doing less, and focusing more on the quality of time with others, as well as connecting with the rhythms of the natural world.

Why Must It Be This Way?

Why Must It Be This Way?

If every experience you have is for your benefit, how might that change the way you think about yourself, your work and your world?