What Are You Thinking?

When my mother became ill and it appeared that she was not going to live much longer, she sold her home in Florida and came to live with me and […]

The Problem: Ignoring Problems

A Solution, Kaizan: The Power of Small and Regular Improvements In this issue: ·      Insights Into Practices ·      Kaizan ·      A Poem ·      Weekend Workshop at Green Gulch Farm, November […]

Book Passage Signing and Book Talk

Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader evolved out of Marc Lesser’s work helping to create Search Inside Yourself, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence program at Google. It builds on his experiences as […]

Copperfield’s Book Talk

Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader evolved out of Marc Lesser’s work helping to create Search Inside Yourself, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence program at Google. It builds on his experiences […]

Austin Zen Center Dharma Talk

Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader evolved out of Marc Lesser’s work helping to create Search Inside Yourself, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence program at Google. It builds on his experiences as […]

Google: Author Talk

Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader evolved out of Marc Lesser’s work helping to create Search Inside Yourself, a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence program at Google. It builds on his experiences as […]

Pain and Possibility

When I was CEO of the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, I was invited to attend a dinner in Madison, Wisconsin. I was part of a gathering of scientists, leaders, […]

Five Ways to Read

Reading is a great and surprising learning affair. It was the 13th century Zen teacher Dogen, who taught that to "Study The Way" is to "study yourself and go beyond yourself." Reading, for me, is a concrete practice and way of learning more about myself and to expand my world, open my mind and heart to new ways of seeing, thinking, and living.

Seven Core Mindful Leadership Practices

Culture eats strategy for breakfast. — Peter Drucker This famous quote by Peter Drucker, a world-leading business-management writer, teacher, and consultant, may be one of the most well-known and least-disputed […]