Die Knowing Something

We don’t want to feel stress or anxiety. We don’t want to feel vulnerable. But by turning away this can become, without our knowing it, a way of being in the world that is numbing.

Try Stuff

Sometimes the best way to learn and grow is to try things and make mistakes, without being stymied by the quest for perfection.

Anger, Grief, Self-care, and Doing What You Can

I’m angry. I’m grieving. I’m reading a lot. I’m taking good care of myself, and I hope you are too. I’m doing what I can. I’m angry that our elections […]

Getting Unstuck

There are probably endless variations of feeling stuck. One common variation for me is when I need to write “book worthy” or even “newsletter worthy” content. Setting this kind of […]

Enjoy Your Life: Guided Meditation, Talk, and Zen Puzzler

Recognizing and embodying the fleeting nature of our lives is a way to practice with finding more appreciation and joy in everything we experience. In this episode of the Zen Bones Podcast, Marc offers a guided meditation, a talk on impermanence as a path toward joy, and a Zen riddle.