Mindful Changemakers Online Summit

The Mindful Changemakers Summit is a free, virtual event hosted by Marc Lesser and featuring a diverse panel of experienced speakers in a series of discussions about the role of mindfulness, meditation, and contemplative practice as a basis for positive change.

The World Is Its Own Magic: Guided Meditation, Talk, and Zen Puzzler

"The real miracle isn't to walk on water. The real miracle is to walk right here on Earth." This is the magic of the miracle of being present here. The practice of seeing reality, the practice of keeping our hearts open and the effort and practice of helping to heal and make the world a better place.

Are You a Victim or a Player?

Marc leads a short guided meditation with an emphasis on cultivating warmhearted curiosity. Then gives a short talk on shifting your approach from being a victim to being a player.

Frustration is Optional

Marc begins with a short meditation, followed by a short talk about effective ways to shift from frustration to acceptance and appreciation.

Thriving in Change and Uncertainty

A short guided meditation, and then a talk about three practices for navigating and shifting our relationship with change and uncertainty.

Poetry and Pragmatism

Finding The Time To Listen More Deeply Β·      Insights Into Practices Β·      Zen Puzzler: Whatever you meet is the path Β·      What I’m Reading: Two children’s books Β·      Half-day Retreat: […]

We Are All Poets

We begin today's episode with a short guided meditation focused on being present, fully here with nothing to accomplish. I give a short talk on embracing the mind of the poet and the mind of the business person, exploring these distinctions and lack of distinctions and how we can live and work and play with more meaning and connection.

The Art and Practice of Mindful Communication

Not Avoiding and Not Over-reacting In this issue: Β·      Insights Into Practices: High standards and flexibility Β·      Non-violent communication Β·      A Poem: Why I Am Happy, by William Stafford Β·      […]