3 Things to Do Every Day at Work

Many years ago, when I was CEO of Brush Dance, my wife asked me to give her the names of some graphic designers and to describe their particular capabilities. I […]

I’m Doing What I Can

I'm doing what I can is today's episode. We begin with a short guided meditation. Then I give a short talk about pessimism, optimism, grief, and joy, and address ways of cutting through the dualities of our modern life and doing what we can, with spaciousness and possibility. Today's Zen puzzler is Pai Chang's fox, a traditional Zen koan, about not avoiding cause and effect, or finding our freedom while being fully immersed in the world.

Say Yes to Everything, Part 2

We begin with a short guided meditation, followed by a talk on the practice of saying yes - opening and accepting whatever comes our way. It means noticing and saying yes to the pains and possibilities, our resistance and our joy.

If There is No Struggle There is No Progress

In the realm of mindful leadership I’m often emphasizing the need to stay open, relaxed, and curious as essential attitudes toward envisioning, collaboration and problem solving.Β  Even though Connect To […]

Dealing with Uncertainty

Marc sits down with his friend Leo Babauta, founder of Zen Habits and author of several books, including The Power of Less. They discuss meaningful work and the question how Zen practice can be integrated with, and support, our work and our lives.